EDITORIAL: Edit board picks: Mostly guessing, we pick Platypi

Editorial Board

Everyone’s doing it. Even President Obama. March Madness is afoot, so among the editorial board — a meager group this week — NCAA brackets are a hot topic.

The participants in  our bracket pow wow:

A  sports enthusiast with an ESPN internship under his belt.

A girl whose votes came with the disclaimer: “I don’t care about basketball.”

A girl with a deepening enthusiasm for sports, who filled out her first NCAA bracket this year.

And a  guy from Minnesota who doesn’t know anything about the tournament.

“I watched the Minnesota game, because that’s where I’m from. But then they lost.”

We decided to determine our winner with a group discussion. The bracketless Minnesotan would choose first in each round.

Sweet Sixteen Game 1: Pittsburgh vs. Xavier

An anticlimactic kick-off. No debate.

Winner: Pittsburgh

Sweet Sixteen Game 2: Villanova vs. Duke

Once again, nothing to argue about.

Winner: Duke

Elite Eight Game 1: Pittsburgh vs. Duke

“Pittsburgh. Definitely Pittsburgh.”

“Yeah, I pick the Pittsburgh… Platypies.”

“No… They’re the Panthers. Because  — I don’t know. There aren’t panthers in the Pittsburgh area. Why not mountain lions or something like that?”

“Pittsburgh Panthers. It’s all about the alliteration.”

Winner: Pittsburgh

Sweet Sixteen Game 3: UNC vs Gonzaga

“I’m going to go with UNC, because my dad went there.”

“I picked UNC because Michael Jordan went there.”

“My dad roomed with Michael Jordan. No… That’s a lie.”

Winner: UNC

Sweet Sixteen Game 4: Arizona State vs. Oklahoma

Oklahoma has Blake Griffin.

Winner: Oklahoma

Elite Eight Game 2: UNC vs. Oklahoma

We reached our first tie. The guys would sooner forget loyalties to dads and MJ than discount Oklahoma, while the girls chose UNC. Debate ensued.

Winner: Oklahoma

Sweet Sixteen Game 5: Connecticut vs. Purdue

Winner: Connecticut

Sweet Sixteen Game 6: Missouri vs.


Tiger v. Tiger. A tough choice.

Winner: Memphis

Elite Eight Game 3: Connecticut vs.


Winner: Memphis

Sweet Sixteen Game 7: Louisville vs. Siena

Random person enters the rooom. His pick: America.

Cardinals. That’s close to our mascot!

Winner: Louisville

Sweet Sixteen Game 8: Kansas vs.

Michigan State

We hate the Jayhawks.

Winner: Michigan State

Final Four Game 1: Louisville vs. Memphis

“Well they’re both from… Oh, never mind.”

Winnner: Louisville

Final Four Game 2: Pittsburgh vs.


No question.

Winner: Pittsburgh

Championship: Louisville vs. Pittsburgh

“The platypuses. No, platypi.”

Winner: Pittsburgh