EDITORIAL: April Fool’s Day, some fun jokes to (not) play

Editorial Board

Happy April Fool’s Day, everyone! Stay on your toes and be alert, because you never know when someone’s going to try to take advantage of this prankster’s holiday. Maybe you’re planning on doing some pranking yourself. Either way, have fun and try to be nice. In the spirit of the holiday that is upon us, we’ve decided to give you some suggestions of April Fool’s Days jokes you shouldn’t pull.

– Tell the students of the university of which you are president that you’ve taken a job as president of Auburn.

– Tell ISU men’s basketball coach Greg McDermott that Craig Brackins has decided to leave for the NBA draft.

– Hand out the course final to your students.

– Tell your football team you are firmly entrenched in Ames during Thanksgiving, then abandon the team and leave for Auburn three weeks later.

– Tell President Geoffroy he has to lay off 300 more university employees.

– Tell your friend you will help him invest his money, then take his $5,000 and buy stock in AIG and GM.

– Poke holes in all the Free Condom Wednesday condoms.

– Take the women’s basketball team to the Elite 8 and then tell the Athletic Director you’re leaving for Auburn.

– Tell your parents you’re transferring to Auburn.

– Tell an entire nation there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

– Declare “Mission Accomplished” on a war when it’s far from over. Oh, wait…

– Switch all your roommate’s veggie burgers to real burgers.

– Create a new brand of condoms using the Pope’s face as the logo.

– Tell people that condoms won’t stop the spread of AIDS. Oh… Never mind.

– Put up posters announcing Veishea’s surprise guest: Chris Brown!

– Send a mass e-mail announcing that ISU Dining’s food has been contaminated with salmonella.

– Lock all the bathrooms on your dorm floor, then pass out free Ex-Lax brownies.

– Break up with your significant other.

– Tell your parents you’re failing your classes and quitting school.

– Volunteer to teach an English 250 course with over 300 students.

– Swap all the whiteboard markers in your classrooms for permanent markers and chalk.

– Shave your frat brother’s eyebrows when you know he has an interview tomorrow.

– Put Nair in your roommate’s shampoo bottle.

– Introduce a large herd of sheep to central campus. Live Green! Baa…

– Tell the ISU students you are doubling the price of parking tickets.