EDITORIAL: Daily endorses Turk-Peterson focused ticket

Editorial Board

Since the November presidential election, this editorial board has been fairly inactive in the endorsement department. But the time has come to write another endorsement, this time for a GSB presidential slate. Our decision was made after interviewing both sets of candidates — Jonathan Turk, junior in political science and sociology, and his running mate Chandra Peterson, sophomore in political science; and Jason Boggess, senior in mechanical engineering and software engineering, and his running mate Derek Haskin, junior in business and criminal justice. Ultimately, the experience and long-term focus of the Turk-Peterson ticket are what make them our choice to lead GSB.

Following the 2008 election, we’re all aware that buzz words like “experience” and “change” should be taken with a grain of salt. Because of that, this endorsement comes with a healthy dose of cynicism. But we cannot ignore the fact that in an organization like GSB, experience and connections are of the utmost importance. The simple fact of the matter is that it is very difficult to effectively lead an organization without having been a part of it. In their combined experience, Turk and Peterson have served on two of the three branches of GSB, having formed connections that will help them accomplish their goals as leaders of the executive branch. Their involvement outside of GSB in organizations including the LAS Student Council, Campustown Student Association, Greek Community, and IRHA make them a well-rounded set of representatives.

We feel that as student representatives, the president and vice president of GSB must exhibit a strong sense of professionalism. We got that strong sense from Mr. Turk and Ms. Peterson. Furthermore, they seemed completely comfortable in positions of authority. As a team, they work like a well-oiled machine. Some might say their smooth appearance is a result of rehearsal, but even that is evidence that these candidates complement each other both naturally and as a result of hard behind-the-scenes work.

One argument that can be made for the Boggess-Haskin slate is that it brings a fresh perspective. To borrow an Obama buzz word, they present themselves as the candidates who will bring about “change.” However, Mr. Turk and Ms. Peterson bring their own brand of change to the table — both currently serve as GSB Senators. They have experience working with people and organizations, writing bills and communicating throughout the university. This is a shift from the status quo — Daniel Fischer and Maggie Luttrell came into their presidential/vice presidential positions from the GSB executive committee and the City Council representative seat.

We recognize the importance of a fresh outlook in GSB. The Boggess-Haskin ticket brings important issues like campus safety to light. However, the majority of their focus seems to be on the one year that they would serve in GSB. When asked about preserving the longevity of the organization, or even the programs they plan to implement, they could not provide a plan. Not only do Mr. Turk and Ms. Peterson have long-term plans for both GSB and any programs implemented, they also have the connections and experience necessary to follow through. Following their election, there would be no “adjustment period” for them to become familiarized with the workings of GSB. They are already integral parts of the student government.

We encourage you to do your own research on the candidates, and vote at www.vote.iastate.edu on March 2 and 3. It’s in the hands of you, the students, to put a president and vice president into power. These are the people who will represent you for an entire year. Take a few minutes to make your voice heard.