EDITORIAL: 2008, Year of the Iowan

Editorial Board

Iowans have had a rough go at it when it comes to the presidency of these United States. Most recently, former Gov. Tom Vilsack had a blink-and-you-miss-it run in the 2008 election.

Before that was Son of a Coal Miner Tom Harkin, whose sob story couldn’t compare to that of Son of a Dead Guy Bill Clinton of Arkansas.

Decades earlier, Vice President Henry A. Wallace got kicked around by President Roosevelt and replacement Vice President Truman, the latter of whom gave Wallace a thrashing in the 1948 presidential election.

Other Iowans tried and failed, but it was our Beloved Herbert Hoover who made it to the White House.

That’s why the U.S.’ current financial crisis is good for Iowa — besides his kickass dam, Hoover was most recognized for presiding over the worst economic crisis in the history of the country. With the current mess on our hands, who can remember where ol’ President What’s-His-Name was from?

I can tell you one thing — we won’t be seeing any Texans in the Oval Office any time soon.

So how about it? President-elect Patty Judge, anyone?

If anyone can out-fox Sarah Palin, she can.