EDITORIAL: As Cy passes into legend, Owlie could take his place

Editorial Board

Congratulations, Cy — you’ve done it again!

Our school might not have a great reputation for winning football or basketball games, but ISU school spirit is another story. When Cy the Cardinal enters the ring, red-and-gold-painted students can be counted on to vote their hearts out in defense of the greatness of our marvelous mascot.

After being named “The Most Dominant College Mascot on Earth” in CBS Sportsline’s contest this summer, Cy has triumphed once again, winning the title of the 2008 Capital One National Mascot of the Year, an award presented during halftime of the 2009 Capital One Bowl on New Year’s Day.

Looks like Cy is starting this year on top.

But wait. A little bird told us that Cy isn’t the only feathered creature flying around the city of Ames.

Visit the courtyard of the Ames City Hall and you’ll see the bird perched in Cy’s shadow, waiting patiently for his chance to soar.

Meet Owlie Featherton, Ames’s resident owl. According to the Ames Tribune, Owlie showed up in the courtyard around Dec. 30. He is believed to be a long-eared owl, and he seems to have made his home — at least for now — in the great city of Ames.

We believe it’s time for Owlie to fly — into Cy’s place as the Cyclone mascot. Think about it. Cy is like the Brett Favre of Iowa State, and Owlie is Aaron Rodgers, waiting in the wings.

If Cy does things right, he could go out on top as a legend, without all the legendary drama Favre created for himself. If Favre would have retired following his time as a Packer, he would have been remembered for his greatness, not his lame duck season-ending interceptions. If Cy overstays his welcome, he could end up with the same tragic fate.

At 54 years old, Cy is getting up there in years. With two mascot championships under his belt, now is the perfect time for him to step down in favor of a fresh, feathered face.

Owlie, we have faith in you. We won’t doubt you like football commentators and fans doubted Rodgers, although you do have some big wings to fill. We’re also confident that your achievements as Cy’s replacement would be far more impressive than Rodger’s 6-10 season with the Packers.

It’s not that we’re tired of Cy. We just want to make sure he’s respected as a true legend should be. He deserves honor, along with some rest and relaxation. Perhaps he could follow the geese and head south for a tropical vacation. After two big wins, he must be pretty tired. Why not leave the stress of mascot competitions to a spring chicken?

But then again, maybe we’re wrong about all of this. Maybe our suggestion is just for the birds.