EDITORIAL: Meat vests

Editorial Board

Justifications for sexual assault are prevalent and persistent in our society. They mostly revolve around the victim, usually assumed to be female. She shouldn’t have gotten drunk, should have known better, was asking for it, and shouldn’t have worn that piece of clothing.

Combine this attitude with advertising that frequently sexualizes the assaults and murders of women — not to mention every single aspect of their daily lives — and you have a recipe for rising rates of sexual assaults committed against women.

Well, the Daily Editorial Board has come up with a remedy for this problem, and it’s pretty simple: meat vests.

Set aside sanitary concerns and vegetarian protests and consider the possibilities.

What better way to get the hidden undercurrent of our society’s treatment of women out into the open than for women to wear their hurt and disgust on their sleeves, or, um, vests.

Maybe if we were confronted every day with this unambiguous testament of the effects of our actions, we’d think twice before trivializing the abuse of women.