EDITORIAL: Polar bears

Photo Courtesy: Alphonso Braggs/U.S. Navy

Photo Courtesy: Alphonso Braggs/U.S. Navy

Editorial Board

No fireworks for two potential polar bear lovebirds that zookeepers in Japan had high hopes for.

According to a recent www.cnn.com article, zookeepers at a zoo in Kushiro just couldn’t seem to make the magic happen for two resident polar bears.

After introducing the bears to each other sometime last June, zookeepers became stumped when neither polar bear seemed particularly interested in the other.

Zookeepers decided to attempt to solve the big mystery by putting one polar bear under anesthesia, and it wasn’t long before they finally figured it out.

So what was the big mystery? Why won’t these bashful bears just get it on already? Well, both bears are actually female. That’s right. We’re just as surprised as you are.

To be honest, we’re a little taken back, not only at why it took so long so figure it out, but how it was even initially missed!

As members of the Editorial Board, we support any attempt to save the world’s precious polar bears from extinction. With that in mind, we hope zookeepers around the world learn from this lesson, and try not to overlook such valuable information in the future.