EDITORIAL: Underage drinking

Editorial Board

On more than one occasion, I have tried valiantly to convince my fellow editorial counterparts to write a column on the uselessness of strictly enforced drinking laws.

As the only underage representative, and clearly the only one to take issue with the drinking age, however, my concerns have been largely cast to the side, dismissed with a “you’ll be legal soon, young one.”

Pacified with this knowledge, I am not. Of the crime that occurs in Ames, I can’t help but feel that underage drinking should be the least of our government’s concerns.

Breaking up rowdy parties where possible danger lurks is understandable, but I can’t help to think that our taxes can be put to better use than going undercover to catch some 19-year-olds drinking beer. I mean, it’s beer, for heaven’s sake, not meth.

Speaking of meth, I hear that’s a problem — maybe Ames can better utilize their police force by cracking down on that.