SPAID: Obama merchandise motives questionable

Justan Spaid

“Justan — This holiday season, celebrate the historic accomplishment of our movement for change. Treat yourself or a loved one to a limited edition Obama coffee mug.”

Wow — I cannot believe this. What says “historic election” more than my very own official Obama coffee mug? What’s more, the mere $15 it will cost goes directly toward helping Obama push forward his agenda in all 50 states! I would be stupid not to take advantage of this.

Several times since this election was finished, I have received e-mails from Obama for America or one from Barack Obama himself saying I can join in the celebration of the election with the purchase of mugs, buttons or a T-shirt. The only problem is, well, I didn’t vote for Obama — so unless he is selling a Romney/Palin 2012 bumper sticker, I’m not buying. In fact, not only did I not vote for Obama, but I am a registered Republican and a Republican delegate for Story County. Frankly, it baffles me that once a week I, of all people, am contacted by somebody in the Obama camp. I know that I am not the only person who gets the joy of a personal e-mail from the “Chosen One,” but I want to know why.

After many hours of soul searching as to why Obama would try and reach out to me, just an average American, I realized Obama is doing one of two things. Our president-elect is either rubbing in his victory, or he has some self-esteem issues.

The first argument cannot be true, because that just does not seem like the type of person that Obama is. He has learned to transcend petty showboating. Then I realized Obama is currently getting some pre-presidency jitters and needs a little boost of confidence. Obama apparently needs to know that he is still loved by the millions of Americans who supported him. He wants to make sure his celebrity status is not harmed by the fact that he is now the man in charge. What better way for a quick self-esteem boost than to bother people via e-mail asking them to buy stupid crap so more money can go to the Democratic Party?

But let’s be fair. Had I been able to vote in 2000 or 2004, I am sure I would have received something asking me to buy a copy of George W. Bush’s favorite book, “Green Eggs and Ham.” I guess I will just have to settle for a commemorative 10-piece “Change” sticker pack. You can’t blame Obama for being a little bit uneasy about himself. Just look at the country he is taking over and who he is surrounding himself with, so far. Obama has made one great move so far — selecting Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Give her a job that requires her to leave the country as often as possible — Bill was ecstatic about that news for obvious reasons. Aside from that, though, Obama does have to deal with two wars, a global financial crisis, and a national debt that defies comprehension.

I don’t believe everyone who receives these e-mails has a patriotic obligation to buy anything so our next president can still hold his head high and know that he is loved. Change isn’t going to come through the purchase of a coffee mug and a donation to Obama’s agenda machine. 

America voted Obama into office because he convinced us he could be the leader who could bring change. He doesn’t need any more displays of affection — he needs the confidence of an American president.