LETTERS: Stay active to keep politics clean

Alex Wiley

With my participation in democracy still in its infancy, I was utterly disgusted with the lack of real honest politics from any campaign this election period. Campaigning for public office has become more of a popularity contest than a good political debate. It is disappointing that we have to wait though name-calling and baiting until real politics happen. Now we have to wait for a “transition” until these glorified PR spokespeople become politicians.

I don’t think that any one candidate or even the dreaded media are to blame. We citizens are to blame for letting this happen. Political debate and action did not end with the election — it didn’t even start. Whether you are happy for Obama’s historical achievement or not; the real game starts January. Let’s make sure it is OUR government, not THE government. We have a civic responsibility to participate, even if CNN starts devoting time to Paris Hilton again.

Alex Wiley


Political Science