LETTERS: Winning isn’t everything, but we’d like to keep our traditions

Courtney Lillquist

In response to Jamie Pollard’s “Athletic Colors” e-mail:

Who cares about Nike when our own athletic department can’t even get it right?

At the Texas A&M game, our dance team perfectly matched the other team in their “cardinal” and white gear. I understand that this is the original cardinal color and it just happens to look like maroon, but what about a little gold? I hope the rest of Iowa State was as embarrassed as I was.

And hey, it might have been homecoming, but what better way to cheer on the opposing team than by handing out white towels to the students.

I hope A&M felt at home in a sea of white. Let’s not even mention that the towel was then printed in black and gold.

I realize that this was a sponsor, but I know the department has say in the matter.

I’ve given up on winning, but can we at least try to show some school spirit?

Courtney Lillquist
