EDITORIAL: Vennard College forced to close due to weak economy

Editorial Board

Last week, a small college in southern Iowa announced they would be closing their doors to new students at the end of this semester. They cited the decision on financial pressures and low enrollment.

And it seems the announcement is just one more piece of bad news in the past month of bailouts and foreclosures, showing that even the protection of the ivory tower isn’t enduring.

In 1910, the Chicago Evangelistic Institute was founded by Dr. Iva Vennard, and in 1951, it moved from the windy city to a rural Iowa setting in University Park. By 1959, the college had changed its name to Vennard College, a non-denominational school with a curriculum of business management, ministry and psychology.

With graduates around the world, the school’s motto said it best: “The sun never sets on the graduates of Vennard College.”

We are disheartened to hear a college closing in a state that understands the value of a good education.

We hope the sun will continue to never set on the graduates of Vennard College. Good luck current students, faculty, staff and fans in your future travels and academic endeavors.