Tips for carving the perfect pumpkins

Tips for carving the perfect pumpkins
October 28, 2008
• When cutting the top of the pumpkin off, cut with the knife at an angle so the lid doesn’t fall in after cutting.
• If you’re carving more than a face, use a metal spoon to scrape the insides of the pumpkin out to make the wall thinner. The design will show better with a thinner wall.
• A safer alternative, rather than using a candle in the pumpkin, is to place an old strand of Christmas lights inside.
• If painting a pumpkin, use a spray-on sealer. It will help the paint to last longer and stick better. Be sure to spray before and after painting.
• If doing a simple face, use a dry-erase marker to outline. It will make creating your design easier, and you can wipe it off when finished.
— Information gathered by Danielle Gibbons, Daily staff writer