SPAID: McCain levels with the American people on war

Justan Spaid

Sen. John McCain has been right in nearly every aspect of the “War on Terror.” Speaking specifically of Iraq, Mac insisted that Bush listen to the generals on the ground about putting more troops in during the initial invasion and take over of Baghdad.

As history shows, Bush did not listen and eventually the country fell into a nearly civil war. The only thing that kept Iraq afloat was John McCain and other members of Congress pushing for the now famous surge in troop levels.

The move was brilliant and paid dividends.

According to, from June 2007 through March 2008, sectarian and ethnic violence in Iraq was reduced by 90 percent. Civilian deaths and deaths of coalition forces fell by 70 percent. That call saved lives and made Iraq safer and more stable and now, the Iraqi government is getting its feet beneath itself to start taking the reigns from Americans.

The most important thing about the troop surge is that you will find the Barack Obama did NOT support it.

Obama wanted to turn tail and run, he had given up and accepted defeat just like the rest of his Democrat friends in congress.

Now, a few years after the surge and seeing how John McCain was right and Obama was wrong, Obama has taken all mention of the surge off of his Web site.

Just a preview of that change we can believe in.

Along the lines of the “Global War on Terror” John McCain also has a smart, effective plan. Mac’s plan calls for staying in Iraq and Afghanistan for as long as it take to make sure those countries are stable and secure. He also calls for international pressure on rogue nations like Syria and Iran who are the main contributors to the insurgent violence.

Probably the best aspect of John McCain’s “War on Terror” strategy is that he can level with the American people.

No one knows better the heartache and pain of war than a man who sacrificed so nearly six years of his life in a prison camp.

Mac can make the gut-wrenching decisions and has the experience to both militarily and foreign policy wise to get the job done.

Mac has led men, he has made tough calls, and he has sacrificed. All of that stuff shows that he will put country first and lead this nation to victory.

Then again, Obama’s community organizing might also give him the same kind of experience.

You be the judge.

— Justan Spaid is a sophomore in history from McCallsburg