EDITORIAL: Pow! Surprising products give boost of energy

Editorial Board

Attention: This editorial contains high levels of caffeine. Please read with caution.

A bar of soap for that morning shower, a bowl of oatmeal before class, lip balm for those dry lips, a bag of potato chips, a cup of coffee to get you through the rest of the day, and something to get rid of that nasty coffee breath … what do all these things have in common? Depending on which brands you choose to buy, they could all contain some amount of caffeine.

With the success of such energy drinks as Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar and Full Throttle, it’s no wonder why more and more companies are coming out with new products infused with caffeine for all you energy lovers. In fact, according to a Time article on the subject, at least 126 caffeinated food products have been launched in the past five years. No longer are you forced to go through life using the same painfully mundane brands of soap, oatmeal and lip balm as the guy next door. No way. Now you have options. Bored of the same old bar of soap you always use? Bam! Now there’s Shower Shock Soap. Regular lip balm not doing it for you? Pow! Spazzstick Caffeinated Lip Balm.

Well? Are you feeling energized yet?

With all of these new products offering you a little extra boost of energy to get you through the day, you can have a lot of fun trying new things. And although the members of the Editorial Board adore their caffeine just as much as the next group of people, we feel it’s important not to go overboard with all of the new products available.

According to the Time article, caffeine intoxication does occur every so often. The article states that caffeine intoxication can lead to symptoms like nervousness, insomnia, tachycardia, psychomotor agitation and in some rare cases — death. Since the Food and Drug Administration does not currently require caffeinated products to label exactly how much caffeine they contain, there’s no telling how much you might be ingesting.

We like caffeine and are in favor of the all the new products that exist. However, with new and bizarre caffeinated products hitting stores across the country each day, we feel that in order to keep us safe, the FDA needs to step up and require that these products include labeling describing how much caffeine each product actually contains.