EDITORIAL: Editorial Board endorses sour gummy worms for Halloween

Editorial Board

Amid the serious issues the Daily editorial board must discuss, reach consensus and write an editorial about on a semi-weekly basis, none whatsoever have challenged our group like today’s pressing topic. It makes our arguments on AP style look like friendly chatter and our debates on presidential endorsement look like tea time.

So, you may ask, how do eight college students come to a conclusion on which Halloween candy to endorse? Not without lots of meetings, heated arguments and considerable compromise to come to our decision. A peek into one of the more recent of such meetings:

“I, for one, think we should endorse Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.”

“I second that. Best candy, hands down.”

“… I’m actually allergic to peanuts, so …”

“So, what? I’m allergic to Obama and we endorsed him.” “That makes no sense.”

So the debate burned on, our resident Maverick questioning whether we should even write an editorial asserting our position on the best Halloween candy — would an endorsement not cast doubt on the objectivity of our Halloween coverage?

After extensive discussion, however; we concluded that our loyalty lie with stimulating and leading discussion on our campus. A candy would be chosen.

Since peanuts were out of the picture, out with it went some of the top nominations — Snickers, Baby Ruths, Pay Days, Salted Nut Rolls and (eww!) Almond Joys. Enter the gummy variety.

Of the gummy candy we discussed — gummy O’s, gummy octopi, Sour Patch — we narrowed our options to gummy bears (and not the “cheap convenience store brand,” either — the real things) and sour gummy worms.

“I say bears — you can play with them.”

“Yeah, you can bite two in half and stick them together!”

“Who says you can’t play with worms?”

“You play with worms?”

“So worms it is. I’ll write the edit.”

“Wait, what? Was that even an agreement? At least be sure to include something about Maverick.”

Meeting adjourned. So, that is how eight college students come to endorse a Halloween candy. Long meetings, weeding out candies with allergies and strong arms.

We’re Joe the Edit Board, and we’re eating sour worms this Halloween.