LETTERS: Pick a candidate who votes for the people of Iowa

Nicole Woodroffe

Please join me in thanking Congressman Tom Latham for voting against the $850 billion Wall Street bailout bill.

He voted against it twice.

Unfortunately for us taxpayers, Congress passed the bill and it has now become the law.

I am so proud of Latham for opposing the president, sticking to his principles and listening to us.

He is a true representative of the people — something difficult to find within the halls of Congress these days.

I am truly worried about the economic future of America.

We were told this bill would put our economy back on the right track.

A week later, not the slightest amount of progress has been made.

 Now we’re being told by Washington politicians that it could take years before the economy improves.

 What’s next? More bailouts? More borrowing?

We cannot sustain this irresponsible behavior any longer.

Someone will have to pay for these bailouts eventually, and that someone will be you and me.

We need to put leaders in Congress who will think before they vote.

We need leaders in Congress who will listen to us before they vote.

We need more leaders in Congress like Tom Latham.

Our elected officials need to understand that their votes have severe consequences that impact real people.

In my opinion, Latham understands and is fighting for us. I encourage all of my fellow taxpayers to vote for Tom Latham on Election Day.

If enough individuals with the same values and beliefs as Latham are elected, we can put our country back on the right track.

Nicole Woodroffe


Des Moines