LETTERS: GSB president shouldn’t be blamed by association

Case Circle

Not often do I feel compelled to write, but this bashing caught my attention. GSB President Daniel Fischer is under fire for living with Joseph Baye. Baye was charged with failure to prevent consumption to Kaleb Stebens. I’m glad I’m only held responsible for myself and all the characters I’ve lived with over the years, looking over myself is job enough. The point is, it’s not Fischer’s fault that Stebens fell out of a window. Everybody is always looking for someone else to blame. Blame yourself when you screw up, learn from it, and move on. Fischer has been a good president to represent Iowa State. I could call him a friend, even though I’ve only spent a good 30 minutes of my 22 years talking to him. You won’t see him in my cell phone or on my Facebook, but just from our short time conversing in class, I have seen a leader that will rise to the top. Just because he lives with guys who like to party, doesn’t make him a bad person. If this world was made solely out of bookworms and nerds, God would strike us down of sheer boredom. Sure it is easy to get straight ‘A’s if all you do is take up residence in the library. You will be a great rocket scientist or proctologist someday. College is about mixing school, work and socializing with friends — also called networking. Trust me, I’m working on a three-point and I’m not hard up finding a job. Bottom line — Fischer has already moved out of his apartment to uphold his image. He’s a kid like the rest of us and the president of the GSB, not the United States. Give him a break.

Case Circle


Agricultural Studies