Three minutes to spark some magic

Danielle Gibbons

Come for fun, stay for love.

In several rounds, lasting three minutes each, the Instant Dating club wants to help ISU students make connections. Through speed dating, men and women meet and kindle relationships.

“We make matches and change lives,” said Andrew Severin, graduate student in biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology-Liberal Arts and Sciences and president of the Instant Dating club.

The first mixer hosted by the club is held for freshman. Titled the “Fall Freshman Mixer,” it will be held Thursday in room 136 of the Union Drive Community Center.

At the beginning of the event, everyone will sign in and be assigned a number name tag. Then participants will rotate every three minutes to another person, a sort of mini-blind date. It’s all anonymous — no names are given.

Students will meet with at least 50 other students during the blind dates. There’s also a “free for all” meet after the blind dates.

At the end of the event, participants write down the numbers of the people they’re interested in seeing again on a second date, up to 10.

Within 48 hours of the event, an e-mail will be sent to participants containing their mutual matches’ names and e-mail addresses.

“You picked me and I picked you, that’s a mutual match,” said Michael Severin, adjunct instructor for the veterinary medical center and adviser of Instant Dating club.

“The rest is up to you. Eighty-five percent of all participants usually have at least one mutual match,” Michael Severin said.

In addition, the club holds an event for all students during spring semester near Valentine’s Day. They’ll be having one in February for graduate and professional students.

“They’re a lot of fun for everyone, it’s a great way to meet new people,” said Michael Severin, adjunct instructor with the veterinary medical center and advisor of Instant Dating club.

“But the more time you are there, the more dates and people you will meet,” Michael said.

He started the club many years ago as an alcohol-free alternative and to assist students in finding friends and dates — the first speed dating mixer was held in 2002.

Now, Michael Severin and his brother, Andrew Severin, run the club together. Andrew is currently the president of the club. When Michael went away for an internship, Andrew took over for him.

“We haven’t had a mixer in quite a while — since Michael was gone — so I’m really excited,” Andrew said. Both brothers said there has been a great turn-out at every event, at least 100 people.

“Where else can you meet at least 50 single males or females in one night that are all looking for that same thing you are? I think that by itself is invaluable,” Andrew said.

Michael even wanted to invite those who were already attached. “Don’t worry if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend; come, sign up, and upgrade,” Michael said.

The Instant Dating club is also devoted to community service and helping animals. The money they raise goes to charities, community service or to the club to help with other events.

Additionally, the club has given money to pet hospitals. Another thing the club is trying to do this year is a text book recycling program, where they collect books people don’t need and send them to a school in Africa.

Instant Dating, “Fall Freshman Mixer”

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday

Where: 136 Union Drive Community Center

Cost: $10 for men; $5 for women (preregistration not required)

For more information, e-mail