SPAID: McCain’s skill will secure borders

Justan Spaid


Don’t worry about that anymore, George Bush’s new immigration plan is taking care of the problem. It’s not a wall or an easier path to citizenship. W’s plan is to simply make the economy so bad no one wants to come here anymore. That’s the only way one can explain all of Bush’s recent economic decisions. He is not trying to save the economy — he’s trying to stop immigration. But for those of you who don’t want to live in a country that’s on its way to being third world, McCain’s plan is the best.

John McCain deals firsthand with many of the problems of immigration. He is from the border state of Arizona, thus immigration is something that is always on his constituents’ minds. Mac’s plan is simple and two-step. Step one includes funding the physical border by supplying the border with patrol with knowledge and resources. His plan includes deploying unmanned aerial vehicles so we can understand where most illegal crossings are taking place so we can eliminate the problem.

Step two of his plan includes making sure that companies are being held accountable for making sure that their workers are legal and can work. To do this he will establish “establish a user-friendly system employing a limited set of secure documents that contain biometric data and are electronically verifiable to check a worker’s identity.”

Obama’s plan, in contrast, is weak on security and weak on enforcement. Obama does not believe in crackdown raids and does not see the point of them. He would much rather have people who broke our laws pay a fine and send them back across to wait in line. This mentality is flawed.

Someone here illegally would most likely not have the funds to pay a fine that covers the cost of deportation. If the alien would simply just want to stand in line to get into this country, it would have done so to begin with. It is nothing short of amnesty and we should be wary of Obama in this aspect.

McCain has the leadership and the right plan to successfully secure our borders.

— Justan Spaid is a sophomore in history from McCallsburg