SPAID: I support… …John McCain.

Justan Spaid

John McCain is who I will be voting for. Not so much because he is necessarily going to be a great president, but mainly because he will be leagues above Barack Obama. It is not too much fun to be basically voting against someone rather than for someone, but that is what it boils down too in 2008.

For all those who are voting for Obama because he is the poster child for change, and you expect him to change things, be prepared to be let down. Obama will not change anything. Listen to what he is actually saying, especially in his policies. Obama will continue this diarrhea of red spending that was started by George Bush.

Not only that, but Obama literally has said himself that he wants to raise taxes on people who make more than $250,000 a year. Punishing people who work hard and climb their way to top through hard work? Taking away people’s hard earned money to give to someone who does not make as much? Does Obama need to remember he is running for president and not auditioning for Robin Hood?

Whether you know of “Joe the Plumber” or not, you still have to realize what Obama is saying when he talked to that man. He wants to redistribute the wealth, but why? What makes him think he can just walk all over the Constitution and make it fair for everyone?

This point has been reiterated a lot throughout this election, but the government is not here to nanny people, which is what Barack Obama is going to do. That is the type of change he is talking about — taking the power out of our hands and putting it into those of the government. This is why the bandwagon of “Change” should be derailed and Obama should remain only a senator.

This is why John McCain will be receiving my vote this November. I have already got a set of parents, I do not need another one called the government trying to take care of me.

— Justan Spaid is a sophomore in history from McCallsburg