EDITORIAL: GSB shows signs of progress, but we’ll keep watching

Editorial Board

Hats off to GSB.

In only the second week of school, the organization, now under the leadership of President Daniel Fischer and Vice President Maggie Luttrell, has made strides both in tackling — if only in a small way — one of the four goals they outlined as their year’s plan of action and in creating themselves as a more visible entity on campus.

“Goal #4,” as published in the Daily’s article on the first day of classes, was to “advocate the problem of student debt and a diverse set of solutions.” Student debt is, debatably, one of the largest issues on campus, and hits home to thousands of ISU students, as we, along with students of the Universities of Iowa and Northern Iowa, accrue an average debt of more than $25,000 by the end of our four years. GSB threw out a “diverse” solution this week.

In an e-mail sent by Fischer to every ISU student, titled “Textbook Tax Rebate Information,” the GSB president informed students that they are eligible to receive tax rebates on textbooks purchased at the University Book Store. Although the rebates from the book store have been available for years, GSB, which is responsible for informing students of the rebate, has been vague and intermittent in their advertising of the deal in the past. Although a little late and small-scale — however far-reaching — the effort is evidence to us that GSB is starting off on the right foot.

Furthermore, GSB has presented themselves as an open forum by presenting a plan earlier this week to publish a series of opinion columns by GSB president Daniel Fischer and others twice a month in the Daily on the page facing this one. Consistent with their initial plan to communicate with the student body, this follow-up was clean-cut and timely.

With their strong start and subsequent high visibility comes greater expectations for the GSB. We look forward to seeing the new administration tackle their other three goals and to continue their commitment to the issue of student debt. Through the Daily and the mass e-mail to work on GSB’s goal of reducing debt, the new executives can be sure that campus is keeping an eye on GSB.