EDITORIAL: Someone needs to take the blame for U of I mess

Editorial Board

When the independent report was released Thursday regarding the University of Iowa’s handling of sexual assault allegations against two former football players, it answered a lot of questions. It also posed a glaring one: Who’s taking the fall for this?

It turns out Iowans are asking for heads to roll, and we couldn’t agree more.

In a recent Iowa City Press-Citizen article, Sen. Mike Connolly, D-Dubuque, said the Board of Regents, Iowans and the Legislature are going to want action in dismissing a couple of individuals. Connolly is part of the Government Oversight Committee, which oversees the Board of Regents.

The report specifies UI Vice President for Student Services Phillip Jones and Vice President and General Counsel Marcus Mills as two individuals involved in the handling of the case. The university was blamed for flawed policies and lack of sensitivity, but there, apparently, was no cover-up.

According to the report, Jones failed in his duties to remove the football players from the dormitory they and the victim shared. Instead, he allowed the victim to leave her housing contract early, but barred her from entering the dorm again.

Mills withheld documents the regents requested and refused to disclose correspondence between the victim’s family and himself.

So, what’s next? The decision to take action comes down to UI President Sally Mason, who is meeting with the Board of Regents this Thursday.

“She is the individual who is responsible and accountable. We will look to her to demonstrate her leadership in this case,” said Regent President David Miles.

If this is Mason’s decision, as Miles has said, then her credibility is at stake. Not just hers, either. The faculty, staff and students of the university have a lot at stake here, as well as the entire Regents’ system. If the proper heads don’t roll, then there are some serious confidence issues with how things are being run in Iowa City.

Ms. Mason, take the first step out of this muck and fire Phillip Jones and Marcus Mills. The people of Iowa are calling for it.