Osborn Closes, alternate Cyride routes

Illustration: Kyle Foote/Iowa State Daily Map Courtesy CyRide

Illustration: Kyle Foote/Iowa State Daily Map Courtesy CyRide

Andrea Fier —

Beginning Monday, Osborn Drive will be closed between Snedecor Hall and Coover Hall for utility work.

The closing is expected to last until at least Nov. 21, depending on the weather, said Mark Stephenson, construction manager for facilities planning and management.

The chilled water pipes and steam tunnels are being expanded in conjunction with Hach Hall, the new chemistry building being constructed north of Davidson Hall, and for future expansion, he said.

These pipes will run from the North Chilled Water Plant, located north of campus on Kooser Drive, through the construction site at Hach Hall. The pipes are used to provide air conditioning to buildings throughout campus. The steam tunnels, which heat all of the buildings on campus, will connect back to power plant.

CyRide routes will be affected by the closure, and have added three temporary stops along Pammel drive.

For more information about route changes visit www.cyride.com.