FEEDBACK: Put an end to legalized murder
September 17, 2008
Each day, over 3,300 people are murdered in the US. And yet, their killers receive no penalty. In fact, each and every murderer gets paid for what they do. These murders are called abortions. They are legal at will up until 24 weeks after fertilization. By this time, the child has a heart that pumps blood, the child has all her organs and fingerprints, the child has brain waves and can feel pain — the child is a living human. Yet this atrocious act of murder is still allowed.
The 14th amendment states that, “No State shall… deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law …” Yet every day, thousands of unborn persons are deprived of life — 47 million babies have been deprived of their right to life since 1972. Why is this?
Many argue that woman should have the choice to kill their own child. This makes no sense. If someone murders a born human being, they go to prison for 20 to life, yet if a woman asks a doctor to murder her unborn human being, there are absolutely no repercussions. If a pregnant woman doesn’t want her child, then adoption is a perfectly feasible option.
This horrible slaughtering of human beings has gone on for far too long and must be ended as soon as possible. The easiest way to achieve this change is to write to your congressmen. If everyone wrote a simple letter simply asking for a Constitutional amendment, then we could put an end to this appalling practice. We can also take abortion into account when we vote. If we carry out these simple actions, we can save millions of lives.
Ben Murphy
Aerospace Engineering