LETTERS: Don’t judge others, who have good morals, too
September 28, 2008
Let me start off by saying Jordan Adams has accomplished what mankind has been attempting for thousands of years. He understands God so well that he can tell us what God believes, and he has even verified that God can be classified as a ‘Him.’
Jordan wrote yesterday, “God does not believe in homosexuality, but he also does not believe in things such as lying and coveting.” I’m so happy that someone has finally settled the argument by telling us directly what God believes. But can such a verb even be applied to God? To believe is what we as humans do because we can’t understand everything — so we guess a lot. But God is supposed to be omniscient, and not a single being that such pronouns as “him” can be applied to.
So unless Jordan had direct communication, I’m wondering where he gets his information. From men preaching? From a book men wrote hundreds of years after Jesus was supposed to have lived? And if humans are as flawed as Jordan told us, how can he trust them to preach truthfully and without bias? Or is Jordan just better than the rest of mankind in that he can understand such a complex being? I was under the impression that humans all over the world were still trying to grasp the idea of a divine being. And I’m still waiting to see a passage from the Bible that says homosexuality is evil.
I thought Sophie Prell’s article was wonderful, because she pointed out what so many people are missing. You don’t have to have a religion to teach you what is right or wrong or to be a good person. I’m sick of people declaring themselves as Christians, as if it explains everything and puts them morally above everyone else. I find it incredibly annoying when people say they’re just trying to do the Christian thing or something like that, as if Christians are the only ones who do service and have good morals.
Christians who are so closed-minded that they condemn people they’ve never met because of certain life choice, such as homosexuality, abortion or a different religion are not true Christians — because they’re forgetting the biggest part of their religion. God is supposed to love everyone. So stop judging others just because you can’t understand.
Sara Marie Sloan
Civil Engineering