EDITORIAL: How to get by while visiting that one team

Editorial Board

It’s that time of year again — time to amplify our intrastate prejudices as we take the fight to Iowa City for the annual Iowa vs. Iowa State football matchup. But before you spill out of the stadium Saturday to paint the town in cardinal and gold, please keep in mind what our neighbors to the east have been through this summer. The university is dealing with more than $230 million in flood damage, so, if nothing else, be respectful of the place. God knows they’ll need it after we nab our second consecutive Cy-Hawk trophy.

Iowa City is facing some more changes this year — here’s what you need to know when you’re visiting Hawkeye Country:

— Smoke ‘em while you got ‘em — specifically in the Pedestrian Mall, city parks and parking garages owned by the city. Starting Wednesday, smoking will be banned in some parts of these locations, and tossing your cigarette butt on the ground could net you a $70 ticket or a whopping $300 fine in the Ped Mall. And, like our own dear campus, smoking is prohibited at the stadium.

— Steer clear of the Olive Court lot for your parking and tailgating needs. The property now belongs to a developer, and as many as 800 cars are going to have to move elsewhere for the game.

— Take time to admire Jackson Pollock’s “Mural” at the Museum of Art before it’s too late. The Board of Regents has been determining the value of the late painter’s work to offset the cost of repairs for flood damage. Come to Iowa City with an extra $150 million in your wallet and it could be yours!

— Be wary of the Hawkeyes’ heathen pre-game rituals. U of I student services lifted its ban on the traditional corn-on-the-cob eating contest, which was canned last year for promoting gluttony. Who knows what other deadly sins the university could be encouraging to get fans riled up? Expect a slothfulness competition involving fans watching at home via the Big 10 Network.

— Make your Beat Iowa and Huck the Fawks signs at home. A fire this week took out $10,000 worth of cardboard at a recycling center.

— This one’s a long shot, but if you’re thinking about gallivanting around downtown on your Segway, forget it, thanks to this week’s City Council decision. But you deserve to get your ass kicked for riding a Segway regardless.