EDITORIAL: So far, so good for Iowa smoking ban

Editorial Board

It’s been little more than two months since Iowa enacted its statewide smoking ban, and it seems as though smokers are complying, or at least no one is reporting violations.

To date, there have been roughly 4,300 calls and e-mails to the Iowa Department of Public Health inquiring about the ban. Surprisingly, fewer than 1,000 of those have reported a business or person. The others are inquiries into the law. And out of those 1,000, only six “law enforcement” visits have been made.

So is it actually working?

It’s uncertain, but on campus, there have only been 35 complaints filed so far, either directly to the department or through the DPH.

Angie Jewett, program coordinator in the department of environmental health and safety, said each incident on campus has been investigated, but law enforcement officers haven’t gotten involved.

According to a DPH news release, Director Tom Newton said that, so far, the law has been successful throughout the state.

“These figures reflect just how effective education has been in enforcing this new law,” he said. “There are a limited number of cases, however, where we have had to move beyond education in our enforcement efforts.”

While it’s only been a little over two weeks into the semester, continue to keep those butts off campus.