Your FYI and AMUSE changes and how you can get involved

Fyi and Amuse Editors

Welcome to the features/A&E section of the Iowa State Daily.

FYI will continue to be your guide to the ISU community and the city of Ames as in the past. However, there will be some changes. The daily themes are almost gone — Wednesday remains our health day. Thursday will be without FYI. You will, as always, find your special interest stories ranging from religion to ISU clubs to daily life.

But what will happen on Thursday? AMUSE will replace the section. For those who remember AMUSE from last year, things have changed. And for those unfamiliar with it, it will be the essential to planning your weekend. New features will include professor profiles, weekly online polls, YouTube highlights, weekend events guide, movie guide, a mix of pop culture bits and the lowdown from Hollywood and celebrity world. AMUSE will soon have its own section on the Web site so there will be daily items being posted — from the items you see listed below to the latest Hollywood and Ames-ISU happenings.

Now here’s where you can help us.

Have an event you want the community to know about? You can submit your event via the Daily Web site. Also, have a band you think deserves a little more notice, a professor you want to know more about or a YouTube video you think could be the next big thing? Let us know at [email protected].

— Anthony Capps, Emily Bishop and Sarah Haas, FYI and AMUSE editors