Get ready to plan a great graduation party

Jenon Katt

After years of homework headaches and late night cram sessions, seniors now begin to turn their attention to more enjoyable preparations – celebrating the memories they have made during their time at Iowa State.

For the first step in planning a graduation party, seniors should “definitely find a location. This will determine what type of party it will be, how many people you will invite, and a theme,” said Megan Niffenegger, manager of Celebrations Party and Wedding Store, 2617 Northridge Parkway.

ISU students have a variety of location options.

“It seems like, for ISU students, it’s popular to get together and rent out a bar, a favorite campus hangout, have a park or backyard barbecue or have a party at a restaurant,” Niffenegger said.

Once the location is decided, Niffenegger said, determining the guest list and sending out invitations are the next steps.

“Make sure you send out invitations to family and friends a couple weeks before the event if they have to travel,” she said.

E-mail and flyers are popularly used to invite other students, Niffenegger added.

Once the location and guests are decided on, seniors can focus more on party details.

“Going out to party stores and seeing what’s out there in terms of decorations is important. Talking to caterers such as ISU Dining and restaurants will help choose food and beverages,” Niffenegger said.

To ensure a fun time for guests, Niffeneggar said, have a theme and plan details according to it to add more excitement.

“I think that, with parties, it always comes down to the details. Decorations can really make a big difference, and you want to use them whether it’s sports or a luau … you can really tailor it to your taste. Guests will have more fun, and it is more of a celebration,” she said.

Heidi Rivisto, senior in kinesiology and health, and her friends have decided to rent out Capone’s, 2518 Lincoln Way, in order to celebrate with family and other students.

She said they plan to hand out flyers to friends and hope to have a theme.

Rivisto and her friends are not the only seniors planning a celebration.

Jonathan Hines, senior in civil engineering, said he and 13 of his friends have rented Club Element, 2401 Chamberlain St., for their celebration, in hopes of inviting around 400 people.

“We don’t really have a theme, but we have put together a slideshow that we will be showing,” Hines said.

No matter what type of party you have it’s important to “plan ahead and make sure you know what you are doing, so you are not scrambling the week before,” Niffeneggar said.

Students may vary in their preparations, however.

Niffeneggar said, “some people go real simple, and other people go all out – at a bar or park. It depends on how much you want to put into it.”

Despite differences in location, size and decorations, one common theme will be easy to see at all graduation parties.

“It’s a fun way to celebrate four years of college and four years of great friendships,” Rivisto said.