Music Spotlight: Xiu Xiu

Molly Phelps

Xiu Xiu (Experimental/Pop)

When: 8 p.m. Thursday

Where: Maintenance Shop, MU

Cost: ISU Students $7, Public $9 (tickets increase $1 day of show)

Hear them at

Members: Devin Hoff, Caralee McElroy, Ches Smith and Jamie Stewart

Record Label: Kill Rock Stars

Influences: Asian percussion, quitting drinking, 1980s’ goth pop, modern classical, dance music, falling asleep, noise and not quitting drinking

Xiu Xiu – pronounced ‘shoe-shoe’ – is an eclectic and experimental music project from San Francisco headed by lead singer Jamie Stewart. While members of Xiu Xiu have come and gone, Stewart has been a steady constant, and he is currently joined by Caralee McElroy, percussionist Ches Smith and bassist Devin Hoff.

Their sixth album, “Women as Lovers,” was released in January from Kill Rock Stars record label. Paul Thompson, of Pitchfork Media, said “Women as Lovers” is “more approachable or communicative on a basic human level” than any of their previous albums.

“I Do What I Want When I Want” is a song straight off their new album and can be heard at Be sure to head to the M-Shop on Thursday to see them live.

*Some information obtained from Xiu Xiu’s Web site: