Cast of women bring ‘Anton’ to campus

Molly Phelps

“Over there is Casey Mulgraw; the one dressed in the skirts/pants, skirt/pants thing, a lot of people call her the Queen of off-off Broadway. She’s a little hung over because she just celebrated the opening of her 200th play without ever having been paid a salary. She also has a yeast infection that is really pissing her off.”

If you were wondering what to expect from Jane Martin’s “Anton in Show Business,” this line from character T-Anne is just a glimpse into the roller coaster of a comedy provided by an all-female cast. It’s filled with witty one-liners, ridiculous situations and hilarious characters, according to director Heidi Germann, senior in performing arts.

“Anton in Show Business” was the winner of the 2000 American Theatre Critics Association’s Steinberg New Play Award. It’s the story of three women trying to perform a production of Anton Checkhov’s “Three Sisters” at a regional theater in San Antonio, Texas. With over-the-top characters, such as the producers, critics and the three main actresses, “It is a farcical look at American show business and the challenges that prevent quality theatre from being produced,” Germann said.

This will be Germann’s first display of her directing talents in a full-length play, and she says the audience should expect a lot.

“Expect to be taken on a ride. One of my favorite things about this show is that the audience definitely gets taken on the ride with the actors; they don’t just sit and watch the ride happen. This show takes an audience member up and down and upside down and sideways. It is definitely the theatrical definition of the ultimate roller coaster,” Germann said.

The cast of seven women features Bree Cobb, sophomore in performing arts, as T-Anne, Erica Neilsen, senior in performing arts, as Casey, Lindsay Allen, junior in kinesiology and health, as Lisabette, Alexis Kline, senior in animal science, as Holly and Justine Year, junior in performing arts, as Joby. Suzanne Peterson, sophomore in pre-architecture, will appear as Actress 1 and Kim Chelf, senior in performing arts, as Actress 2.

“There is definitely a lot of estrogen in the rehearsal room. We’ve really grown together as a team,” Germann said.

The cast has been rehearsing Sunday through Thursday nights since February to get “Anton in Show Business” ready for the stage. Germann said her biggest struggle has been coordinating all of the aspects of the show beyond the acting.

“Thinking about publicity, the programs and all of those other little technicalities that have to be completed before the show can open is definitely just more stuff to add onto the pile of things for us to do,” Germann said.

However, it’s been worth it to Germann. “My favorite part of directing this particular show is taking these women from the beginning of the process to the end. These incredible women have taken this crazy script and turned it into something that really means something to each and every one of them. I can’t wait for people to see what they’ve done.”

See the play called “hilarious, smart, and even a little warped” by the Houston Press, at 7:30 p.m. on March 27-29 and 2 p.m. on March 30 at the Maintenance Shop. Tickets will be $4 for ISU students and $6 for adults.