Veishea service day

Katie Diederichs

Take a walk around campus and you’ll notice months’ worth of candy wrappers, water bottles and food remnants strewn across the grounds. Campus is in need of a good spring cleaning.

Saturday will mark the second-annual Veishea Service Day. Projects students and community members can participate in range from picking up trash to visiting the Boys and Girls Club of Ames.

“Veishea Service Day is a great way for students and community members to get involved together,” said Chris Brubaker, Veishea co-chairman for campus and community involvement and junior in finance.

Brubaker said most of the participants are expected to be students, but community members are strongly encouraged to join in as well.

“We are really pushing for community members to be a big part of this day, too,” Brubaker said.

Last spring, Magann Orth, sophomore in elementary education and Jen Osler, ISU alumna, both Veishea large-scale community service co-chairwomen, started this day of service from scratch, hoping it would become a tradition.

“I saw how students and the community could work together to improve the environment around us,” Orth said. “I was overwhelmed with the great turnout, with over 600 volunteers. I knew I had to be apart of this event again.”

In addition to giving back to the community and making campus look beautiful, students can look forward to a free lunch of hot dogs and chips at Reiman Gardens following their shift.

Veishea Service Day is also one of the last opportunities for students to earn hours for the 10,000 Hours Show. By registering, students can get 10 logged volunteer hours and will receive a free ticket to a concert in April. The performer this year is Reel Big Fish, and the only admission to the concert is by having at least 10 hours of volunteering in the community.

“Veishea Service Day is an easy way to get those last few hours in before the concert on April 14,” said Jamie Seeman, president of The 10,000 Hours Show at Iowa State and senior in agronomy. “The concert will be a time for volunteers to come together and celebrate the difference they have made in the community over the last year.”

Students and community members interested in participating in Veishea Service Day can register individually or with a group at Volunteers can sign up for shifts from two to eight hours long, and can decide which service projects to partake in.