LETTER: Nelson-Stutsman will help “Empower student achievement”

I am writing this letter to announce the candidacy of Brooks Nelson and Katie Stutsman for president and vice president of the Government of the Student Body.

Nelson and Stutsman are more-than-qualified candidates for the positions through their past work, involvement and dedication to GSB and other significant ISU organizations. Their slogan, “Empower Student Achievement,” will help put success in the hands of ISU students.

First and foremost, they will work to stabilize tuition increases and additional funding resources for students. As the only candidates with ISU Ambassadors experience, Nelson and Stutsman are well aware of GSB’s abilities to influence tuition prices for students. They plan to continue utilizing ISU Ambassadors as the main resource for lobbying, connecting with legislators and advocating to keep tuition affordable.

Nelson and Stutsman will also work for better communication and accountability for how ISU student fees are being spent. The average full-time undergraduate student will pay more than $400 per semester in student fees. Nelson and Stutsman are confident the student fees are being spent responsibly, yet they feel students deserve to know exactly where their money is being spent. By appointing dependable representatives responsible for expending student fees, the main projects funded through fees will then be communicated to students.

GSB has long been a large supporter of student organizations. However, Nelson and Stutsman are well aware there need to be additional resources available to major clubs and organizations. GSB will take a stronger role in communicating events and activities.

By working with the Iowa State Daily to publish an accurate and complete daily events and activities calendar, student organizations will be able to merit better attendance and participation at their events.

If elected as president and vice president of GSB, Nelson and Stutsman plan to better communicate GSB’s objectives and accomplishments throughout the year. They also plan to make students more aware of opportunities within GSB and appoint people who are passionate student leaders. Nelson and Stutsman promise to make GSB more visible, accountable and accessible for all students. Nelson and Stutsman will work to “Empower Student Achievement” through strong communication and dedication to serving and improving the Government of the Student Body and Iowa State. Vote Nelson and Stutsman for GSB.

Cayla Westergard


Journalism and Mass Communication