
Alicia Warden

The normally stuffy Durham Great Hall of the Memorial Union has come alive over the last two weeks, as ISU students have put on show-stopping acts in this year’s Varieties competition.

Varieties is an annual competition of student talents organized by the Varieties Central Committee, a division of the Student Union Board. The show has a 70-year history at Iowa State. Today, the entertainment is divided into two categories – skits and vignettes. Skits are 20-minute musicals and are the original work of students. Vignettes are brief solos or group performances that are performed between skits.

The first showcase was held Saturday. This week, the second round of groups has been rehearsing, so if you missed Saturday’s performance, you haven’t missed everything – the second showcase is still to come.

Varieties encompasses more than just two weeks. Groups started planning their skits in October, and that long-term planning is evident in their performances. What may seem like crazy ideas at first can evolve into great entertainment. Because a wide array of elements are combined to create the skits, it can sometimes be hard to see the big picture. Eventually, however, the choreography, music, costumes, sets and scripts all fall into place.

“It’s really fun to see it all put together,” said Alayna Marks, senior in animal science and a producer on the Varieties Central Committee.

The committee members get a unique look at the production of the Varieties show.

“You’ve taken a bird’s eye view. We’ve gotten to see it come together step by step,” said Eric Hoffmeyer, junior in biology and committee member.

Marks said planning and performing a skit takes a lot of dedication and commitment.

Julie Murray, sophomore in elementary education, knows just how much effort it takes to pull off a skit. She is the co-chairperson for the skit, “The Labors of Our Fruit,” which has been a joint effort between her sorority and another chapter and three fraternities.

“It’s a lot of work,” Murray said. “It’s so worth it to see it on stage.”

Katherine Richter, the Varieties adviser, is excited to see how passionate the committee is about Varieties.

She said many of the committee members have seen the shows and been involved with them and now want to carry on the Varieties tradition.

Creativity is a driving force behind Varieties, but there is a competitive element is as well. Only three of four skits and three of six vignettes will go on to the Varieties sweepstakes. The emcees will also compete for prizes. The sweepstakes will be held Feb. 22 and 23, and trophies will be awarded to the first-, second- and third-place performances in each category.

The road to the Varieties showcases and sweepstakes is a long and winding, but rewarding, one. The hours of work pay off when the audience is held captivated and laughter roars throughout the Great Hall. The audience is entertained because of the group effort put forth by the Varieties Central Committee and performers.

“It brings together a lot of diversity of talents,” Marks said.

“Dreaming Out Loud”

Varieties 2008


Saturday at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union

Varieties Sweepstakes:

Feb. 22 Midnight to 11:55 p.m., Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union

Feb. 22 8 p.m., Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union

Feb. 23 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union

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