Boys Next Door’ to come to Fisher

Amanda Molitor

College can be a time when people “discover” who they are, but for the four mentally challenged men in “The Boys Next Door,” every day is a discovery.

Directed by Patrick Gouran, a former professor and director in Iowa State’s theater department for 34 years, “The Boys Next Door” is coming to Fisher Theater after 25 years.

It is a “wonderful script,” Gouran said. It “provides insights into a segment of our society many of us seldom experience.”

“The Boys Next Door” features a group of four mentally handicapped men who live in a communal residence in New England. However, each of these men is different, in disability – Lucien and Norman are retarded, Arnold is depressed and Barry is a schizophrenic – and in personality.

Ben Passer, freshman in psychology, plays Lucien.

“Lucian is very tender and kind. He is very considerate of others and always interested in the things that are going on around him,” Passer said.

Another important character is Jack, the men’s social worker, who tells the story of the group’s daily lives from his own perspective.

“Jack attempts to bring some sense of order and normality into the lives of the men,” Gouran said.

Both Gouran and Passer believe that “The Boys Next Door” will show audiences that mentally challenged citizens are the same as other individuals.

“If the audiences do not connect with these men, either [the cast] have not done their jobs or the audiences have hearts of stone,” Gouran said.

Passer agrees. “I want the audience to know that mentally challenged people are just like everyone else. They still have emotions, they still have priorities and most of all, they just want to be happy in life.”

“The Boys Next Door” will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $13 for adults and $7 for ISU students.