Workspace offers multimedia classes

Carrie Boyd

Students and community members alike can hone their creative and artistic skills in a “fully equipped, multimedia studio,” according to a brochure for The Workspace in the basement of the Memorial Union.

“The Workspace is a unique place,” said William Feldmann, recent graduate and one of the woodworking instructors at The Workspace. “It’s one of the only community ‘pay by the day’ shops like this.”

“We throw out ideas for classes to people who run The Workspace,” Feldmann said.

The Workspace instructors teach a number of classes during the week but also spend a lot of time in the studio working on their own personal projects and answering students’ questions.

“I’ve got enough knowledge,” Feldmann said. “I need to pass it on.”

Besides classes, The Workspace is open to students and community members to use the equipment and studio for their own creations.

Before graduating, Feldmann had been working on projects in the studio since 2003. He became an instructor in 2007 after Workspace coordinator Letitia Kenemer noticed Feldmann was answering woodworking questions from other students and community members during open studio hours.

“Most instructors have taken classes here or have been working here before during open hours,” Feldmann said.

Instructors continue to take classes to develop their own skills and learn new techniques that could help them in their teaching roles.

“I take seminar classes in Des Moines,” Feldmann said. “I can pass that stuff off when it’s applicable to students here.”

Instructors are paid based on the number of classes they teach and how many hours they make themselves available to students in The Workspace.

“The classes are charged,” Feldmann said. “Money [not paid to instructors] is rolled back into here for more classes, materials and tools.”

Feldmann said he spends most weekends in The Workspace answering various students’ questions and working on his own projects.

Operating hours

Monday through Thursday: 2-10 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sunday: 1-5 p.m.

The Workspace is located in the east basement of the Memorial Union.

Class offerings

A complete schedule of classes are listed on their Web site.

Basket weaving





Matting and framing

Music and dance



Studio sensei

