ISU Police Blotter

Jan. 18

Theft, Parks Library (reported at 12:36 p.m.). A patron reported the theft of two textbooks.

Theft, Parks Library (reported at 1:51 p.m.). A patron reported the theft of a textbook.

Public Intoxication, Knapp Street and Welch Avenue (reported at 10:48 p.m.). Eric Green, 23, 442 Welch Ave., was arrested and charged with public intoxication. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center.

Case Update, University Village (reported at 9:17 p.m.). Jason Varee, 22, 140G University Village, was arrested on a warrant charging him with violation of a no-contact order. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center. Supplement completed.

Jan. 19

Drug Violation, Helser Hall (reported at 12:23 a.m.). Austin Webb, 18, 4685 Helser Hall, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance. He was subsequently released on citation.

OWI/Driving Violation, Welch Road and Lincoln Way (reported at 1:40 a.m.). Deryan Hines, 19, of Iowa City, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated and driving while barred (aggravated misdemeanor). He was transported to the Story County Justice Center.

Found Property, Welch Road and Union Drive (reported at 3:58 a.m.). An abandoned bike was placed into secure storage.

Theft, Friley Hall (reported at 11:06 a.m.). Katie Walz, 3519 Friley Hall, reported the theft of a laptop computer.

Theft, Friley Hall (reported at 4:19 p.m.). Two residents reported the theft of electronic equipment.

Traffic Collision, University Village (reported at 11:31 p.m.). A vehicle that left the scene struck a car owned by Lisa Kauth.

Driving Violation, Knapp Street and Welch Avenue (reported at 1:37 a.m.). Officers stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation and found it occupied by two juveniles, neither of whom had a driver’s license. The individuals were released to the care and custody of their respective parents.

Fire Alarm, Willow Hall (reported at 5:14 a.m.). Officers responded to several false fire alarms.

Traffic Collision, Pammel Drive and Stange Road (reported at 12:44 p.m.). Vehicles driven by Paul Wedemeyer and Jean Anderson were involved in a property damage collision.

Jan. 21

Found Property, Friley Hall (reported at 12:18 a.m.). A found wallet was placed into secure storage.

Driving Violation/Harassment, Union Drive and Welch Road (reported at 1:34 a.m.). Jose Manuel Santiago, 22, 2823 Lincoln Way, was arrested and charged with no driver license, harassment of a public official and a traffic offense. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center.

OWI, Northridge Parkway and Stange Road (reported at 4:29 a.m.). Joseph Callison, 22, 2627 Stange Road, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. He was transported to the Story County Justice Center.

Jan. 22

Traffic Collision, S. 4th Street and University Boulevard (reported at 8:29 a.m.). A CyRide bus and a school bus driven by Andrew Dykstra and Merle Westgate were involved in a property damage collision.

Theft, Buchanan Hall (reported at 10:30 a.m.). John Wethington, 9120 Buchanan Hall, reported the theft of a bicycle. The theft occurred on Jan. 17 or Jan. 18.

Theft, Parks Library (reported at 12:57 p.m.). A patron reported the theft of a backpack containing textbooks and other miscellaneous items.

Traffic Collision, Lot 60 (reported at 7:22 p.m.). Kevin Korth, 1402 Eaton Hall, reported his vehicle had been hit by an unknown vehicle that had left the scene.

Jan. 23

Traffic Collision, 13th Street and Stange Road (reported at 9:19 a.m.). Vehicles driven by Brenda Schmalzried and Kenneth Phung were involved in a property damage collision.

Traffic Collision, Haber Road and 13th Street (reported at 9:53 a.m.). A vehicle driven by Patricia Edwards was involved in a property damage collision.

Traffic Collision, Lot 31 (reported at 11:14 a.m.). A semi truck driven by Jerry Holcomb, Jr. struck a parked vehicle owned by Nicky Harris, causing property damage.

Traffic Collision, Lot 28 (reported at 12:05 p.m.). Vehicles driven by Craig Walter and Margery Baker were involved in a property damage collision.

Criminal Mischief, Friley Hall (reported at 2:47 p.m.). A staff member reported damage to a mirror on a delivery truck. The incident occurred sometime between Jan. 18 and Jan. 22.

Theft, Parks Library (reported at 3:54 p.m.). A patron reported the theft of two textbooks.

Found Property, Armory Building (reported at 3:58 p.m.). A staff person turned in a Bible and a glasses case that were found in the HelpVan. The items were placed in secure storage until the owner can be identified.

Welfare Check, Willow Hall (reported at 8:40 p.m.). Officers checked on the welfare of a student who was reportedly suicidal.

Case Update, Armory Building (reported at 6:20 a.m.). Nasser Syed, 2310 Mortensen Parkway #16, turned himself in on a warrant for second degree theft. He was arrested and transported to the Story County Justice Center.