LETTER: City hypocritical in fining citizens for not shoveling snow
January 22, 2008
Nimota Nasiru’s Friday article, “Property owners hit fines for failing to shovel sidewalks,” certainly informs Daily readers about city fines, and offers the perspective of one student. However, it fails to deliver the other, more rational side of the story.
First, take a look at the roads in Ames – even FEMA could do a better job. Anyone who disagrees should stand at the intersection of Welch and Lincoln Way, look north, then south. Far be it for the city of Ames to fine anyone from snow removal.
Second, sidewalks are owned by the city of Ames, not individuals. If they were owned by individuals, whether the sidewalks are shoveled would be the prerogative of the sidewalk owner. Instead, the city of Ames forces residents to do their dirty work for them.
Kimberly Williamson was quoted as saying, “It could become a serious safety hazard if people don’t shovel their snow[.] I think, since the laws are already in place and they already know how much they are going to be charged, then it’s fair,” and she’s got the wrong idea on several levels. All laws are not fair, previous knowledge of penalties does not make them fair, and if she’s so concerned about safety, she should definitely stay off the roads.
Aaron Gott