‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ comes back to Ames 10 years later

Amanda Molitor

The Ames City Auditorium will be presenting “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the first time in over a decade.

Andy Kvernen, director of worship arts at First Evangelical Free Church, 2008 24th St., is the producer and musical director of the show. “It’s a Wonderful Life” is being performed by seven partner churches in Ames, Kvernen said.

The actors in the play are mainly adults from the community, but there is a kindergartner as well as a handful of students from Iowa State, Kvernen said.

Kvernen chose to produce “It’s a Wonderful Life” because of “the quality of the script and musical score. It’s a Broadway production and high-quality orchestration,” he said.

The orchestra is a mixture of volunteers from churches and professionals in Ames.

“Kevin Schilling and Anne Watson are a couple members of the Iowa State music department faculty who are playing with us,” Kvernen said.

In addition, the Iowa Statetheater department donated a large number of costumes to this play.

By presenting this play, Kvernen hopes “the message we send to the Ames community is that we love our community deeply and desire to have a positive impact on it in very tangible ways.”

In the spirit of the holidays, the ticket proceeds from this play will be donated to the Habitat of Humanity of Central Iowa.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” will be performing Dec. 14 to 16 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8.