Unrest at the North Pole

Amanda Molitor

Known for being a happy place, it appears the North Pole is anything but merry this Christmastime. A few weeks before Christmas, one of Santa’s reindeer accused him of sexual harassment.

Soon, media from all over surround the North Pole, and all the other reindeers are given a chance to share their side of the story. Everybody in Santa’s workshop appears to be guilty. Was Christmastime ever what it really appeared to be?

“The Eight: Reindeer Monologues” is being performed by the Searching for Shakespeare group of Ames 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Maintenance Shop in the Memorial Union. “The Eight” is being sponsored by the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center, Student Union Board and the M-Shop.

The Searching for Shakespeare group is a community theater group that includes a student from Iowa State, as well as younger students from the community.

“The Eight: Reindeer Monologues” has been put on twice by the Sloss House, said director Sandy Loucks. She said the show has been received well by previous audiences.

However, this show is not all laughs.

“This play is about rape and how our media and society represents victims and perpetrators of rape of sexual abuse. It is also about how media and society views celebrity perpetrators and victims,” Loucks said.

While the subject matter is serious, Loucks hopes “The Eight” will make discussing rape and sexual harassment easier. She also hopes to send the message, “Hey people, this is happening in your own backyard. What are you going to do about it?”

Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for the public, and all the proceeds will go to the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center.