Music Spotlight: Pumptown

Pumptown is the family folk band from the small town of Ellston. Formed about five years ago, Pumptown has toured around Iowa and even ventured to New York City. Each of the family members plays a different instrument in the band, and all the music is original. One of the frequent stops for Pumptown is the M-Shop, where it will be playing this week.

When: Friday, Nov. 30, 8 p.m.

Where: Maintenance Shop, MU

Cost: $7 students, $9 public (tickets increase $1 the day of the show)

Hear them: Check out where you can hear recordings of its music. Pumptown has also released five CDs; “Renovation,” its most recent recording, feature songs from their summer tour.

The family: Pumptown is composed of four members of the Hynek family. Joe, the oldest sibling, plays the guitar. The sisters, Amanda and Amy, play the bass and drums, respectively. Their father, Bill, plays a variety of percussion instruments. Even their mother and grandma help out by working the soundboard and selling merchandise.

“Farmer Song”: “Farmer Song” was a musical written by Joe and his mom about the trials of a young couple living during the farm crisis of the 1980s. “It’s about the couple dealing with bankruptcy and having to try something new,” Joe said.

“Farmer Song” has been performed at the M-Shop, the Iowa State Fair and the Fringe Festival in New York City.

Musical influences: Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan and Sheryl Crow have inspired Pumptown. It has also drawn inspiration from Bob Marley during its travels to Belize.

Why did you decide to start a family band? “Well, we jammed around the campfire a lot,” Joe said. “It just seemed like a good time to start playing for other people.”

Why folk and country-inspired music? “Since we’re from a small town, there aren’t that many radio stations to listen to, so we play what sounds we heard growing up . and still hear today.”

By Amanda Molitor,

Daily Staff Writer