In fashion, green is the new black

Amanda Molitor

With all the hype surrounding global warming, consumers are now able to buy fashion that is more ecofriendly.

Ann Marie Fiore, professor of apparel, education studies and hospitality management, said “green” fashion is defined as products that are environmentally and socially responsible and have less of a negative impact on the environment, workers or cultures.

Some processes used to manufacture green clothing include the absence of pesticides when growing fibers and using recycled materials.

Fiore said dyeing processes are often detrimental to the environment because of the harsh chemicals used, as well as the large amounts of water that are wasted in the dyeing process.

In addition to producing clothes that are safer for the environment, green fashion includes paying workers at a living wage and providing those workers with safe working conditions.

When looking for ecofriendly fashion, there are a few fibers that stand out from the rest, such as organic cotton and hemp for apparel, Fiore said. Accessories are also being produced from recycled materials, such as boat sails and rubber from tires.

One of the biggest problems with green fashion is it’s often too expensive for the average college student’s budget.

Fiore said reasons ecofashion may be so expensive include a higher cost of production, scarcity of the natural fibers and the fact that consumers are often willing to pay for the “prestige of green product ownership.”

However, there are brands that offer green fashion at an affordable price. But the question is whether students are willing to pay a little more.

“If I saw [green clothing] sitting on the shelf and I liked it, I’d pay a little extra for it,” said Emily Perrin, junior in English.

Jessica Galasso, sophomore in apparel merchandising, design and production, disagrees.

“I’m the cheapest person I know,” she laughed.

“Even if the clothes are helping the environment.”

For students who are willing to spend the time and money for green fashion, here are some good places to start saving the Earth.

Levi’s Eco collection of jeans ranges in price from $59 to $78. These jeans are made with untreated organic cotton, and the prices are comparable to the other collections of jeans offered by Levi.

The Gap also features green fashion through its (PRODUCT) RED campaign. This campaign includes T-shirts not manufactured in sweatshops, and the proceeds go toward the Global Fund for Africa, an AIDS charity.

Patagonia is a completely ecofriendly clothing company that features clothing as well as outdoor gear.

This company uses raw materials and monitors the amount of waste it produces. The prices typically fall between $30 for a tank top and $100 for a jacket.