Vintage shirts celebrate Iowa State

Amanda Molitor

As everything old becomes new again, Iowa State seems to be following the trends with its own line of faded and destroyed vintage clothing.

The clothing, which features several older Cy logos and faded graphics, originated at the bookstore in the Memorial Union earlier this year.

Amy DeLashmutt, marketing supervisor for University Book Store, said the purpose of the vintage clothing is the celebrate Iowa State’s sesquicentennial.

“[The bookstore] wanted to show there was a lot of fashion in the 150 years of ISU,” DeLashmutt said. “Especially in the Cy logos and school colors.”

She said many students and alumni had been asking for older Cy logos and Iowa State College apparel months before the vintage line was introduced.

In order to pick the designs that would be used in the vintage line, the bookstore staff worked with several collegiate vendors to come up with designs unique to Iowa State.

“We wanted to choose classic styles that were popular in the previous decades, but would also be popular today,” DeLashmutt said.

Students on campus seem to be responding to the change in Cyclone gear very enthusiastically. Rebekah Dwyer, freshman in apparel merchandising, design and production, has seen the vintage clothing in the “CyCans,” which feature three T-shirts in a metal can.

“I like the vintage clothing,” Dwyer said. “It’s unique and classy in an old-school kind of way.”

One of the reasons the vintage clothing line has been so successful, DeLashmutt said, is because the line is diverse and “gives people the opportunity to express their Cyclone pride through their clothing.”

Another reason for the popularity of the vintage clothing is due to the different colors, which are more muted than the typical bright cardinal and gold of the Cyclones; the older Cy logos are also a change from the typical tornado that encompasses the mascot.

Stacy Black, freshman in biology, said sometimes she doesn’t want “clothes that scream ‘I go to school at Iowa State!’ It’s easier to go out in the vintage clothing.”

This trend is popping up at other stores as well.

The Campus Bookstore sells faded and destroyed clothes in their store.

EBay has become a popular site for authentic vintage clothing – simply search for “vintage Cyclone.”

Intramural sports are also jumping on board the trend – the winners of each individual sport will receive T-shirts that feature an older Cy logo.

Even the football team participated in the fashion, by wearing jerseys from the 1950s when they played against Iowa.

Because the line has been so successful, it will be carried in the University Book Store for the rest of the academic year, and some of the most popular designs will be kept on permanently.

However, like all fashions, the fate of the vintage clothing will be decided by future trends and the demand of consumers.