Themed parties spice up usual weekend lineup

Amanda Molitor

Students looking to put a twist on the usual party should consider coming up with a theme. It can be easy to do with the right idea and knowing how to keep the party alive and kicking. Here are some suggestions from FYI to throwing a great party.


One option is a Casablanca party, which is a formal black and white party. Guests can wear black dresses or dress shirts that have been stashed away in a closet. Also, this is the time to switch on the black lights because guests will be glowing.


Another idea is a letter party, such as “T” or “P.” The idea is that everyone comes to the party dressed as something that starts with that letter, such as a teeny-bopper or the pope. Drinks for this party are easy to match, like tequila body shots or Tang for a “T” party.


A jungle party is a great way for men to act like animals and for women to wear animal prints. It’s easy to take this to the limits; dressing like Tarzan or turning up the heat adds to the jungle theme. Jungle juice is the perfect drink and encourages mingling around the punch bowl.

“Beauty and the Geek”

A spinoff that’s easy to dress for, at a “Beauty and the Geek”-themed party, women can dress sexy and men can unleash their inner nerd with glasses and suspenders. Drinks can be mixed up with Cosmopolitans and beer.

Keeping the party alive

To keep a themed party going, as a host, there are a lot of things to remember.

LeeAnn Steffen, sophomore in apparel merchandising, design and production, said the most important point is to keep the themes all night.

She said if there’s a theme throughout the night, “it makes people want to be dressed up and go along with everyone else.”

Stephanie Johnson, freshman in elementary education, agrees.

“If you’re going to be there, dress up,” she said.

A good variety of music is key to an awesome party.

“No one wants the same rap song they heard at every single party they went to that night,” Steffen said.

Jerrod Black, freshman in liberal arts and sciences-open option, said “lame” music turns him off to a party.

It’s also important to remember quality – not quantity.