Interview etiquette

Greg Goin

Looking to wow recruiters at this year’s career fair? Or do you just need advice on how to leave a lasting impression with an employer?

The most important part of the interview is the first impression; it can determine the opinion the interviewer will have of you for the entire interview.

When you first enter the room, make sure to greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and to introduce yourself. Appearance is also a crucial part of the first impression. If you don’t dress to impress then you may have already ruined your interview from the start. Another important aspect of appearance that you may overlook is your posture. Maintaining proper posture helps to make you look attentive and enthusiastic about the position you are interviewing for.

Allison Doyle of has some winning interview skills. Gathering background information about employers enables you to ask questions about the company and show that you really know your stuff.

It is also very important to practice answering typical interview questions, especially the difficult ones, like what your weaknesses are, so you are more comfortable when it comes time for the real thing.

While still concentrating on all of these aspects of the interview, it is very crucial to stay calm, cool and collected. Displaying a sense of confidence and readiness in an interview will give you a leg up on the competition. You must be assertive in all of your answers and speak smoothly. Transitioning smoothly through your answers and displaying that you are a strong speaker will make you look very professional.

At the end of the interview, ask to leave your resume behind no matter how you think the interview went. It never hurts to leave something concrete behind so the interviewer has something in their hands to look at. When you are leaving the room, stand up and shake the hand of your interviewer, thank them for their time and let them know that you hope to hear from them soon.

So whether you’re heading into your first ever job interview or you think you’re a pro, these tips can be useful for everyone in being prepared and confident for an interview.