Intramural fantasy football to be offered

Tj Rushing

This year, ISU Intramurals will offer only one new sport, but it’s a dream come true for many – a fantasy, if you will. Fantasy Football is currently being offered at The last day to enter is Wednesday. All participants will be split into separate leagues of 12 to 14 people, depending on the total number of entries. After signing up at the Rec Services Web site, each participant will be sent an e-mail with their team name and password. The leagues will be played via, and the drafts will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 4. All those who want to join need to be logged into the draft room by 6, however, or the computer will be set to automatically pick their team. offers live scoring with their fantasy leagues, which enables up-to-the-second statistics for each team’s players every game. All fantasy players must be a current ISU student, staff, spouse or affiliate of the university. Winners of each league will receive a coveted intramurals T-shirt with the new design for 2007-08, which will be unveiled in Wednesday’s sports section.