Game, set, drink: Beer pong offers fun for all &#8212 over 21. Please drink, and play, responsibly.

David Neff

Now that you’ve moved back into your dorm or apartment and had an easy first week of classes, you’re bored out of your mind. What is there to do? Well, if you are 21, here are some fun suggestions involving your average college student’s favorite weekend beverages.

For as long as anyone can remember, college students have been incorporating new ways of drinking alcohol while participating in other activities.

This includes watching sports (on television or at the arena), barhopping, tailgating and of course, the well-known game of beer pong.

Beer pong has been the source of hours of nighttime entertainment and more than likely, the source of lost brain cells.

There are few universal rules to the game, but participants typically abide by the house rules.

“There are so many different ways to play that everybody will argue about the correct rules,” said Jacob Saltzman, sophomore in psychology. “No matter who you talk to, they’ll say something isn’t right and offer their own opinions.”

Another popular pastime is making a drinking game out of watching television and taking a drink of your favorite beverage whenever a predetermined quote or word is said.

This activity is less a contest of skill and more a measure of alcohol tolerance and television show repetition.

Along with television commercials, breweries advertise new, refreshing beers in the hopes of attracting new customers.

Cliff Wheeler, employee at Cyclone Liquors, 626 Lincoln Way, said a few highly anticipated beers have been released or will be in the next few weeks.

“This summer, we’ve seen quite a few new beers become available in Iowa that we didn’t have access to before,” Wheeler said. “One of the more popular, Fat Tire, from New Belgium Brewing Company in Colorado, has been popular throughout the [U.S.] for about five years and we’re finally going to have a distributor for it.”

Unknown to many people, it is illegal to special-order beer in Iowa. If there is not a distributor for the product in the state, distributors have to get permission to order it through the state, causing a multitude of annoyances.

For students interested in a high-quality beer they can kick back and relax with, Wheeler suggested a Swedish Porter from Carnegie & Co.

“It’s just a good, full-bodied beer that you can’t go wrong with,” he said.

Along with beer, mixed drinks are always popular.

A drink made famous by the show “Sex in the City” has been gaining fame with many women (and men).

The Cosmopolitan, a mixture of vodka and fruit juices, keeps its potency while offering an alternative to taking shots.

Marian Baggenstoss, freshman in apparel merchandising, said she enjoyed the quality of the drink.

“My favorite drink is the Cosmopolitan. It’s fruity and sweet, but if you’re not paying attention, it’ll really mess you up.”