Austin podcast blurb *PRINT ONLY*

Presidential candidate Austin Graber and vice presidential candidate Vishesh Bhatia talked about their plans to expand Destination Iowa State, reach more of the student body and continue work on the Tree of Oppression.

The Graber-Bhatia campaign intends to hold fireside chats and and “reverse town halls” throughout the school year, if elected. They said their hope is to learn more about what students and student organizations want from Student Government by taking a more active role than previous administrations.

Graber and Bhatia, both Cyclone Aides, have already begun talks with the organizers of Destination Iowa State to include more information on mental health. Throughout their campaign, the two have emphasized the importance of mental health education as students enter college.

Graber and Bhatia also spoke about the importance of the Tree of Oppression and building on their predecessors’ work to recognize students with marginalized identities. After the tree received negative feedback in a Student Government survey, the pair said they hope to further educate students about the tree’s purpose.

The podcast featuring Graber and Bhatia can be found on the Daily’s website, as well as podcasts featuring Ben Whittington and Annaliessa Michelotti and Cody Woodruff and Analese Hauber.

Student Government elections will take place March 12 and 13, and students can vote online at