Here, There and Everywhere
June 5, 2007
- What you need to know for freshmen year
- Programs geared toward reorienting transfer students
- Destination Iowa State schedule
- What you’ll need when moving in
- Students: read this before you buy a pet
- Get familiar with your financial future
Activities and organizations
- Have a blast without the booze
- Take a little trip through your Memorial Union
- Campus offers students many organizations to explore, take part in
- Program brings celebrities to talk on campus
- GSB works hard to represent students
- Opportunities abound in greek organizations
- Diversity resources offer vital support
- Campus diversity resources aid students
- Wide range of religious options available
- Find worship in Ames to fit your style
- Iowa State provides sports of all sorts
- Intramurals give students chance to compete
- Lowdown on 2007 Cyclone football season
- Volleyball aims to build on 2006 success
- Soccer shoots to build off strong spring